How Oral Health Affects Overall Health – A Great Smile Is More Than Skin-Deep
Do you know that on average, we smile 20 times a day, but is it really conveying the right message? The simple act of smiling

The Key Role Saliva Plays in Maintaining Oral Health – A Dive Into Saliva’s Amazing Properties
The saliva in your mouth is more than just water. It’s a complex mixture of minerals, proteins, and ions that help nourish and maintain the

What Really Happens When You Whiten Teeth? A Glimpse Inside The Teeth Whitening Process
If you’re one of the 48% of the UK population who plan to undergo teeth whitening in the coming year, you probably have a good

How Does Invisalign Move Teeth – Exploring The Dynamics Of Tooth Movement
The human body can do some pretty amazing things and the action of moving teeth is no exception. Using a combination of biology and chemistry,

Paradigm Shifts In Implantology – From Delayed To Immediate Loading
Ever since Brånemark introduced his concept of osseointegration back in 1977, healing times of 3 months at the mandible and 5-6 months at the maxilla

What Really Happens After Tooth Loss – The Ultimate Guide To Everything You Need To Know
It’s easy to think that a missing tooth affects only a smile. In truth, when a tooth is lost, it triggers a whole slew of